
Are Kelowna Homes for Sale on The Decline?
Real Estate ArticlesAfter two years of steady price increases, Kelowna homes for sale have reached a high average price. This large cost has affected many buyers’ ability to purchase a home in the area. However, after such a long upward trajectory, the climb…

Are Smaller Units the Answer to Creating Affordable Housing in Kelowna?
Real Estate ArticlesIf you’ve ever looked at purchasing housing in Kelowna, you’d know that finding something affordable is a rarity. Real estate prices have soared in the Okanagan over the last few months. With the average single-family home price sitting…

Affordable Houses For Sale in Kelowna, BC
Real Estate ArticlesFinding affordable houses for sale in Kelowna, BC is a difficult task to do these days! Real estate in Kelowna is some of the most expensive in the province - and for good reason. The close proximity to Okanagan Lake, awesome nightlife, and…