Summer Travel Tips from Hilbert&Crick

summer travel tips

Planning a summer trip and unsure whether to fly or drive? Our quick quiz can help you decide the best summer travel option for your journey. Answer the following questions to find out which mode of transportation suits you best.

Quiz: Should I Fly or Drive?

How many people are coming along?

A. Just me or one other person.
B. Three or more people.

Are you traveling with young children?

A. No.
B. Yes.

How’s the public transportation situation at your destination?

A. Public transportation is easily accessible where I’m going.
B. I’ll need a car to get from place to place on my itinerary.

Pick your favourite quote:

A. “Take flight. You are meant to soar.”
B. “It’s not the destination. It’s the journey.”


Mostly A’s: The Friendly Skies Await!

Traveling by plane is likely your most cost-efficient and convenient option. Use the “Breeze through security” mobile app for airport security line predictions and carry-on rules. If your airline has an app, download it and use it to check-in.

Mostly B’s: Get Ready to Hit the Highway!

Ensure that your vehicle can handle a lengthy drive by checking its tires, fluids, and oil. Visit to calculate fuel costs and be sure to get plenty of sleep before the trip.

Summer Travel Tips for a Smooth Journey

Flying Summer Travel Tips:

  • Download your airline’s app for easy check-in and real-time updates.
  • Use the “Breeze through security” app to predict wait times and review carry-on rules.
  • Pack light to avoid extra baggage fees and streamline your airport experience.

Driving Summer Travel Tips:

  • Check your vehicle’s tires, fluids, and oil before embarking on a long drive.
  • Calculate your fuel costs using
  • Plan your route and rest stops to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

By following these guidelines, you can make an informed decision and enjoy a stress-free trip, whether you choose to fly or drive. Safe travels!

Don’t forget to Download the PDF for more great summer travel tips here!

If you’re looking for real estate while you’re visiting Kelowna, then don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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