Lowering Your Overall Cost of Borrowing
Kelowna Mortgage TipsIf you’re like most Canadians, chances are you don’t have enough money in the bank to buy a property outright. So, you need a mortgage. When you’re ready, it would be a pleasure to help you assess and secure the best mortgage available.…

Pay Down Your Mortgage Faster
Kelowna Mortgage TipsBeing a homeowner is excellent, having a huge mortgage isn’t. So, if you have a mortgage that you’re looking to get rid of as quickly as possible, here are four things you should consider doing.
Accelerate your payments
Making the change…

Downpayment Options
Kelowna Mortgage TipsYour downpayment refers to the initial payment you make when buying a property through mortgage financing. A downpayment is always required when purchasing, because in Canada, lenders are only allowed to lend up to 95% of the property value,…

If You’re Looking to Sell Your Property, Start Here
Kelowna Mortgage TipsIf you’ve been thinking about selling your existing property, for whatever reason, it would be in your best interest to connect with an independent mortgage professional before calling your real estate agent or listing it yourself.
And while…

Using an RRSP for a Home Purchase
Kelowna Mortgage TipsDid you know there’s a program that allows you to use your RRSP to help come up with your downpayment to buy a home? It’s called the Home Buyer’s Plan (or HBP for short), and it’s made possible by the government of Canada. While the…

Difference Between Deposit and Downpayment
Kelowna Mortgage TipsIf you’re new to the home buying process, it’s easy to get confused by some of the terms used. The purpose of this article is to clear up any confusion between the deposit and downpayment.
What is a deposit?
The deposit is the money included…

Understanding your Employment Status
Kelowna Mortgage TipsChances are if you’re applying for a mortgage, you feel confident about the state of your current employment or your ability to find a similar position if you need to. However, your actual employment status probably means more to the lender…

Protect Your Credit Through a Divorce
Kelowna Mortgage TipsDivorces are challenging as there’s a lot to think about in a short amount of time, usually under pressure. And while handling finances is often at the forefront of the discussions related to the separation of assets, unfortunately, managing…

Can you Trust Online Mortgage Calculators?
Kelowna Mortgage TipsYou’d think an online calculator is a pretty straightforward device, one that you should be able to place your confidence in, and for the most part, they are. Calculators calculate numbers. The numbers are reliable, but how you interpret those…